Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ethanol Education

First off, we can not replace oil with ethanol. (Unless Algae magically solves itself)
We just don't have enough land or water to accomplish it.

Second off, Ethanol is not compatible with any existing infrastructure or vehicles.
Politicians demand we build vast new infrastructure to support it. (Which is weird since Butanol doesn't need any of that)
Makes one wonder if they are ignorant of this, or what their motivations are.

Third off, the only reason car companies even built FlexFuel vehicles in the first place is to LOWER their Fuel Economy requirements.

Fourth off, globalized biofuel production causes more global warming overall than Oil.


Solar panels are 100x more effecient than Sugarcane.And the maximum theoretical limit of photosynthesis is 11% solar efficiency. (Which is pathetic)

The only reason why Switchgrass looks good is that they cook the books.
They make the titantic assumption that the entire production infrastructure uses renewable energy.

The only reason corn looks at all good is because they inflate the dubious value of animal feed additive as a coproduct.

Incidentally cattle have a huge impact on global warming.
(Half of it comes from land use practices. Like deforrestation to create pasture.)

Cattle Ranchers have been revolting over the price hike of corn, since ethanol coproduct can only supply a small portion of an animals diet.

Brazil is not "independant from oil". Merely foreign oil. Most of their fuel comes from domestically drilled Oil.

Ethanol does not help farmers. It runs them out of business.

Meanwhile MegaAgrobusiness takes the porkbarrel.

High blend Ethanol actually increase Ozone and Smog.

Ozone is perhaps responsible for as much as 50% of the Artic melting effect.Which is a huge issue since it's removing gigantic reflective surfaces from the earth.And replacing it with heat absorbing land and ocean. (In an area which gets 24/7 sunlight half the year)

Ethanol production plants emit 2.5x the ammount of air polution as a chemical plant.

Fertilizers and Pesticides nearly all comes from Natural Gas.

The Natural Gas market volitility makes Oil look tame.

Natural gas is also needed to provide the electricity to refine ethanol, or something cleaner.Ethanol created using Coal electricity, which is common, yields no reduction in CO2 emmisions. Infact it's worse than gasoline.

BioDiesel planted in the tropics causes rainforrest deforrestation, which is 10x worse than petroleum in CO2 emmisions.

Gigantic plantings of ethanol crops in the US has reduced our soybean crop.This has causes Brazil to be the largest exporter of soy bean. (Where by more deforrestation happens, canceling out any benefit from the ethanol)

Rainforrests in particular are an issue since they also REFLECT the sunlight equator with evaporated water.

There is the blind hope that Algae might be able to solve ALL of these vast problems associated with Ethanol production. But according to NREL experts, we're better off waiting for successful cold fusion. (i.e. Don't hold your breathe)


More or less, Ethanol, BioFuels, and Hydrogen are all there to provide a false sense of accomplishment.
They are dragged out to show you "evidence" that politicians, car companies, and oil companies are socialy responsible. (When they aren't)
And they are pushed as a way to distract the public away from real solutions.

Those real solutions being,
PARTIALLY: Compressed Natural Gas, Ultra Clean Diesels
PRIMARILY: Hybrids, Plugin Hybrids, and Fully Electric Vehicles.


And on that front.Toyota has backed down on upgrading their Prius.

And GM won't have a realistic Plugin Hybrid on the market until 4 years from now.
(i.e. Too long, and easy to delay it even further.)

Don't trust oil companies, and car companies to self incriminate their current business model.
They will continue to overpromise and underdeliver.


It's up to new companies to break the mold, and give us revolutionary electric cars.

Ones which even if driven on the dirtiest coal electricity availible would be like a Prius in emmisions.

We have MORE than enough existing electrical capacity to support electric cars for the next decade without even building 1 new power plant.

And driving on electric "fuel" is dirt cheap. 50-70 cents to the the gallon (equivalent).

Hell, virtually every major car manufacturer already uses quickcharge electric forklifts to build our cars.

And we can already charge electric cars up for hours of driving in 1 minute.
(Assuming new "gas station" style infrastructure)
In the long term, 100% electric should be absolutely no problem.

Electric is the future. Anything else is just a distraction brought on by deciet or naivety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where would I be able to find information on reliable well-filtered economic magnitudes with regards to ethanol. For example how much oil does the US use? How much does Brazil produce? If Brazil gained greater economies of scale through an open market, would it be able to produce more? How much more? What are estimates on what the reduction of the ethanol tariff would do to gas prices if anything? What would it do to food prices? Should corn based ethanol production subsidies be directed to a "better" source, or simply dropped, and what are the numbers that go with such arguments? Any help would be appreciated, I'm having a hard time finding non-fluffy answers to these questions.
